Ever since my 1st little solo apartment back in the day I've loved decorating for every season + every holiday. It's just part of my DNA, I guess. Fall, which just happens to be my most favorite season, is definitely no exception.
If I could sum up fall in just one word it would be cozy. There's a crispness you can feel as the weather turns hints of chilly. Bonfires, hayrides, corn mazes, and all manner of get-togethers bring us closer to one another & keep our spirits toasty warm. Soft worn flannels, chunky knit sweaters, & sleek leather boots make their comeback to our closet space. Coziness in every sense of the word seems to reign supreme!
I want my home to be like that - a haven of cozy - year round, but none more so as when September rolls around bringing with it sweet ole' autumn &, riding on its coattails, the promise of winter & Christmas & merry anything & everything.
Here are just a few ideas that I use to make my home cozy + ready for fall! I hope you find some inspiration for your place, too!
This blanket ladder from Dan is one of my all time favorite birthday gifts from him {even if I did pick it out & he just paid the tab}! We got it at a local artisan/antique market for around $30, & while it's not old in the least, I love the extra wide rungs and wood stain {& the price was pretty darn good, too}. Fall is the perfect time to pull out your blankets + keep them handy - whether in an over-sized basket, casually draped over a couch, or on a blanket ladder like this one.
Twinkle lights always amp up the cozy factor in my opinion. These are from Target's Dollar Spot several years ago, but they always seem to have a current version or two each season around the $3 price point; so be sure to check your local store.
You can flip this little metal
sign from Target's Hearth & Hand by Magnolia collection to say either "Let's Stay In" or "Let's Go Out." I'm channeling my inner Joanna Gaines & thinking she would say be a homebody. This is the perfect time of year to stay in your fixer-upper + be cozy! A trio of vintage Nancy Drew mysteries fit nicely between the legs of our lamp just waiting to be read some spooky evening. The little faux black pumpkin was a super easy upcycle with a bit of matte black craft paint + chalk.
You'll spy quite a few of these small felted
pumpkins/gourds scattered about my place this autumn! I snagged them at Target's Dollar Spot earlier in the month. They were only a dollar a piece! Faux or real, pumpkins are always a good idea!
While our apartment doesn't boast a mantelpiece, I've tried to work around that a bit by adding a couple floating shelves next to our wall mounted TV. These are one of my favorite places to decorate each season. The gold leaf {on the wall}, blue glass bottle, & rattan keepsake box are all thrifted {though I know the 1st 2 items originally came from Target}. The velvety pumpkin is from Walmart a year or 2 ago & the sprig of faux
wheat was $1 from this year's Target Dollar Spot!
I saw this quote floating around the Internet a couple years ago & turned it into a Word document + printed it out. It's super simple, but it's one of my favorite things to bring out each fall - sometimes it ends up in a frame, sometimes it just finds a place on a miniature easel, or gets hung up with a bit of washi tape.
I made this glowing-eyed black cat last year {read more on that
here}, as well as the bunting.
While this isn't strictly a fall thing {I have it up year round with different knickknacks}, this bamboo steamer I turned into a mini shelf adds a bit of texture to a wall space, which in turn adds coziness. I love to hang unexpected things on walls. I have several bamboo steamer shelves, art hung from wooden pant hangers, woven art wall hangings, a little feathery white owl on a perch, & some antique-looking keys to name a few.
I keep it pretty minimal in the kitchen - the extent of it being a pair of white ceramic squirrels {again from Target's Dollar Spot a few years ago}, black & white striped straws in a jar by our coffee/drink station, + my chalkboard sign I update every season {or whenever I feel the whim}. Never underestimate the power of smell when making your home autumn ready! Whether it's a scented candle, a plug-in, a spray, whatever - just make it something you love that makes you feel in the fall spirit.

I don't know if you're like me in this, but it takes awhile for me to be completely "finished" decorating for a new season {if I even ever get there}. It will likely morph & change as the holidays differ & the days get deeper into the heart of my most favorite season {&, let's be honest, I go shopping or thrifting again or DIY something new}, but I've got a start that I'm happy with {or can change pretty easily if I change my mind}. This cozy making decor stuff is definitely an ongoing process! Give yourself grace, sister. Ain't none of us down here in the business of perfection & some things in our homes are beyond our mortal control. Love what you got + make it your own. A big budget is not necessary for coziness, my friend - & I just may be the most frugal of all.
What are some tips + tricks you use to make your place cozy & ready for fall?