So glad you're here!

Hi there & welcome!  I'm Laura.

I'm a girl trying to follow Jesus each & every day, love her husband & son like there's no tomorrow, & make this little messy life of mine beautifully count.  I'm a Tennessee girl from my head down to my toes now trying to wing it as a Georgia peach {it isn't easy}.  My husband Dan & I actually met online, which I had always said strongly that I'd never do.  Well, I did, & it worked.  Now a little over half a decade later, we are now parents to our little man Reed, trying to figure things out on this adventure called life.

Year-round pumpkin pie makes me happy, as does the book of Romans, any flavor ice cream {by the tub full}, decorating & DIYing our home, perusing antique/thrift shops, playing with kiddos, singing praise songs loud {provided I'm all alone}, & general & sundry silliness.

Here you will find life, randomness, recipes, crafts, & hopefully {most of all} Jesus.

More About Me:
31 Random Things
An Unexpected Diagnosis: PCOS