Monday, February 26, 2018

'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

I found myself scribbling these words on my bulletin this past Sunday morning.  In a world that seems so full of fear, Christ is where our trust must anchor...

Maybe I don't have to trust everyone.  Just Him, & that's a freeing thing.

He will hold me & there is no pretense & there is no question of if I'm enough for Him or what He thinks deep down of me & all the other awful unknown wonderings that engulf me with everyone else {except maybe my mom (thanks, mom)}.  But with all else I question & I hesitate to trust, because I fear the pain that just may follow such a risky, risky thing.

But with Him, I can trust & risk the risk that is no risk at all.  And in His hands I can place all the rest of fickle & faulty humanity {including myself: the president of the club} & trust Him with the lot.  When all else is wavering & uncertain, He is rock solid & unchanging - the same yesterday, today, & forever {Hebrews 13:8}.

How amazing is He!  I must trust Him, for He is forever trustworthy.  Amen.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Our 1st Beach Trip Together!

We marked the very 1st thing off our 2018 bucket list with a trip to the seashore!

We both have lots of childhood memories of going to the beach with our families, but we'd never been together... even though we honeymooned in Orlando + actually only live about 3 1/2 hours from Panama City Beach!

So, when my mom & stepdad invited us down with them we jumped at the chance.  They stayed the week & we stayed for the long President's Day weekend. {This was also our 1st ever weekend getaway together.}

The weather was warm {around the upper 70s to low 80s} & while we didn't swim {though lots were}, we waded in the waves & collected seashells & made tracks through the white sand.  By the end, my pants were soaked {I never could resist that salty sea water} + my sun hat was full of shells + my heart was full.

The next day we went to St. Andrews State Park {one of Dan's favorite places} & explored.  While we didn't see an alligator, we did spy blue heron, lots of seagulls, a turtle, & 2 deer.

I can't wait to go to the beach together again!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Little Letters // February 2018

Dear Katie Davis Majors,

Thank you for the words written in your book.  They are deep & true & real, & yes I needed them!  Your day-to-day existence is a better sermon than so many I've heard inside church walls.  I want a heart that hungers to see the good!  To believe the good that God is & gives to us lavishly through Jesus.  To be that "prisoner of hope" you spoke of.

Thank you,
A Girl Changed by Him

✉ ⏩

Dear Dan,

Thank you for always loving me no matter what.  I can't believe I get to be your wife!  You have taken such good care of me while I've been sick & I love you forever + big time!

Your Girl

✉ ⏩

Dear Valentine's Day,

I wish you would have come when I wasn't fighting off the flu + scheduled to teach the kids on Wednesday night at church {which, of course, I wasn't able to do}.  Don't worry, we will celebrate you in a special way once the sickness is gone & pay day has passed.  You aren't forgotten.


✉ ⏩

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Dear Husband...

Dear Dan,

Do you know how much I love you?  Do you know you were in my prayers before I even knew your name?  Do you know how much I thank God for the gift that is you?  Do you know that I'm crazy in love with you?

I always say I first knew you were the one when you prayed.  We were miles apart, in different states, & over the phone at the end of our chats you prayed.  You prayed & I knew.  I knew you were the one for me.  The one God had heard me praying about for years.  You were & are my answered prayer.

The funniness of your soul + the childlike wonder you refused to ever lose when the years aged you, but your heart stayed true.  The way you looked for four-leaf clovers & even planted the seeds that promised 'em just to find some, & now 3 hang on our wall pressed between glass beside photos of us.  Those are more reasons I fell in love.  The sweetness of your smile paired with your handsome face & those green eyes & gentle heart.  I melted for who you are, & I still do.  And I told my mom, long before any proposal, in my determined way, that unless God said otherwise, I was going to marry you.

It hasn't always been easy for you & me.  First, hundreds of miles apart.  Then, trying to adjust to being together when we never really got to experience the normal-life, day-to-day stuff of just being in a relationship in the same city until after we were married & in the same one-bedroom apartment.  We both brought our baggage + our fears & sometimes we get afraid or forgetful or complacent or selfish & forget we were each others' gift & answered prayer.  I'm sorry for every one of those times.  Please never forget, I love you...

Do you know how much I love you?  Do you know you were in my prayers before I even knew your name?  Do you know how much I thank God for the gift that is you?  Do you know that I'm still crazy in love with you?

I am, & I will be until my final breath.

All my Love
Your Wife,

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Currently {February 2018}

💮 Wishlisting... all the debt to be gone {& slowly but surely - through Christ's provision - we are getting there}

💮 Watching... Food Network's Kids Baking Championship + Travel Channel's Extreme Hotels

💮 Hearting... Jesus {my 1st & truest valentine always + forever}, the husband {always + forever}, baby stuff {'cause I've got baby fever, but am not pregnant}, God's Word {getting some solid truth in my daily readings - now for the application...}

💮 Reading... just started When Audrey Met Alice by Rebecca Behrens {young adult fiction}

💮 Praying... for Dan's upcoming eye surgery next month + the debt + the baby dreams + forgiveness + grace + wisdom + a heart that is made beautiful through Christ

💮 Praising Him... for taking such good care of us + provision + daily bread + loving me in spite of me + Jesus {always + forever}

💮 Ready... for the weekend + pay day 😉

Friday, February 2, 2018

Gifts // Vol. 22

1,478. clean sheets
1,482. that dusky sky full of pinks, oranges, & reds
1,483. the kid at school who called me "Ms. Awesomesauce"
1,486. my craziest purchase ever - a swan princess rocker toy {&, no, we're not even expecting, but we're hopeful + prayerful - & that little swan makes me smile every time I see it + slightly wonder about my sanity & money-sense}
1,490. new adventures in Alabama {Opelika + Auburn}
1,491. taking pictures with the intricate mosaic tigers
1,493. a smiley pink strawberry donut
1,496. church
1,498. You - my 1st love - Jesus
1,499. a clean closet to pray in

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Date Night Ideas // February 2018

💑 Splurge & make reservations at a snazzy restaurant {+ pull your loveliest dress out of the closet} & enjoy a romantic fancy dinner date!

💑 Go to your favorite donut place & enjoy some sweet treats together. {Many places have Valentine-themed donuts right now!}

💑 Write each other a special love note.  Then exchange + read them together in a candlelit space. {Having some chocolate covered strawberries handy wouldn't hurt, either}.

💑 Make an indoor fort together using pillows, sheets, etc., & then settle in & watch some of each other's favorite flicks + cuddle.

💑 Attend a concert together.

💑 Go bowling! {We did this for our 1st married Valentine's.}