Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Finding Out We Are Pregnant!

It's funny, I remember that morning taking my prenatal vitamin like I had for what felt like forever {doctor advised it when I told her we were wanting to start trying over a year ago}, & I thought briefly to myself, "Why am I even taking this?"  That day at school I felt off & irritable & tired & I decided to take a pregnancy test when I got home.  But, I didn't have high hopes.  I had taken one a few days before & nothing, so I was pretty much certain it was a fluke.  In fact, when you have PCOS & your period is already late 9 times out of 10, you can find yourself taking a lot of pregnancy tests.  For some in the past I had been really hopeful, but this one not so much.  In fact, I dipped the pee stick, laid it on top of its wrapper on the counter, & jumped in the shower, not even bothering to look at the thing until I got out.  I did not think I was pregnant.  Of all the countless tests I had taken since our marriage began none felt less likely to be positive than this one - but I guess deep down I had enough smidgen of hope to check & see.  What's impossible for God, right?  Imagine my surprise when I got out & gazed down at the test.  Wait... Is that a faint line?!  I honestly remember saying out loud, something to the effect of, "That's not supposed to be there!" a couple times over before kneeling, praying, thanking, laughing, crying, praising, dizzy reeling from all the emotions & the wondering is this really real?

Day I Found Out: October 8, 2019
Day I Told Dan: I think it was after midnight, so technically October 9, 2019
Day We Saw Our Baby for the 1st Time: November 6, 2019
Due Date: June 18, 2020
God is Good: ALL the time

Monday, December 16, 2019

We Are Expecting!

Can you believe it?!  This is a shock, &, first & foremost, a praise.  More deets coming soon!