Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Gifts // Vol. 17

1,029. spotting a few painted rocks on our walk
1,036. Butterfinger gelato
1,051. date night
1,081. walking downtown {hand-in-hand} & taking pictures
1,102. moolit stroll + happy chatter
1,105. You & Your faithful patience {I need Your strength}
1,108. lovely flowers in a blue glass bottle waiting for me when I got home
1,111. the kids mesmerized by the opera {in the music class I was subbing for} + the one little girl who said it "touched" her
1,126. the little kiddo who came up to me during class & said, "Excuse me, I love you.  You're a great music teacher!" ❤
1,147. writing Laura loves Dan in the reversible sequin pillows at Hobby Lobby to surprise him

Monday, September 25, 2017

Arizona Anniversary Adventure // Part 1

We decided to spend our 1st anniversary on a grand Arizona adventure!  Both of us had never been before, & Dan was excited to check another state off his list {he wants to see all 50} + visit the Grand Canyon & Antelope Canyon & see real desert + tons of other beautiful spots that truly showcase God's artistry in His creation.  We were not disappointed - Arizona was such a sweet place for us to herald in our 2nd year of love. {P.S.: We found that perfect heart cactus on our actual anniversary date! }

Here are some of the highlights...

Legend has it that these mountains hold the mysterious lost Dutchman's mine, which is said to be worth millions.  We wanted to be treasure hunters & look for it, but that Arizona heat, though.

Goldfield Ghost Town

We rambled around the sleepy "ghost town" {i.e.: tourist trap} of Goldfield & explored an abandoned "mine," a "mystery shack," rode an old train, & went on a sunset zip line ride {twice} that gave us an awesome view of the Superstitions.

The Church of the Holy Cross

We may not be Catholic, but this was a pretty amazing church built right into the red rocks. {This is also a free place to visit, if you ever find yourself in the area.}

This place is a giant outdoor playground & we got to go on a couple mini hikes on the famous red rocks.  Dan's giant fear of heights didn't stop him from taking the trail up to the top of one of 'em, either.  So proud of him for facing his fear! {That pep talk with Smokey did him good! 😉}

We brunched at the yummy Secret Garden Cafe {where Dan had his very 1st organic diet cola} & wandered around the shops + galleries.

Click here for part 2!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Currently {September 2017}

💮 Praising Him... that we have the $ to buy the 4 new tires + tire rods + alignment + air filter they say are necessary.  He is good!  That Dan & I got to experience an amazing anniversary adventure in Arizona about a week ago {+ we made it through our 1st year}!  God, You are awesome!

💮 Reading... {It's about time I got back into reading!} A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by W. Phillip Keller

💮 Waiting... for my new job to start.  The teacher I was subbing for in music class returned, & now thankfully God has blessed me with another opening as a long term sub.  This time in 1st grade - & this time at {How do I put this?} a rougher school.  I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous; while my history is chock full of those kind of schools, I haven't been to one in a couple years or so.  I know I can do all things through Christ, & I'm gonna keep reminding myself of that truth + praising Him for employment.

💮 Eating... too many caramel apple Hostess cupcakes.  They are legitimately delicious, people.

💮 Watching... TLC's Long Lost Family.  Send all the tissues, please.

💮 Enjoying... my last couple days of freedom before I'm back to work, that it's officially fall {my fave}, & that Jesus loves me this I know.

💮 Excited for... married life year 2!  It honestly seems crazy to think that it is actually now year 2 we're experiencing!

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Little Letters // September 2017

Dear Arizona,

I won't soon forget you!  You were an amazing changing landscape & I'm so glad we got to see your sandy scrub/cactus-dotted deserts, lush green forests, deep-deep canyons, red rocks, & skinny slot canyons.  Not to mention, you were where we heralded in the beginning of our 2nd married year.

We love you!
Laura + Dan

✉ ⏩

Dear Arizona Coyote,

I am so glad we didn't hit you!  It took some fancy-fast thinking {ahem, swerving} on my husband's part + I think some miraculous intervention from above.  I think next time you should keep off the busy roads.

Your Friend

P.S.: Stop chasing the road runner, please!

✉ ⏩

Dear Decorative Gold Arrow,

You almost got me in trouble!  But, I forgive you!  How could I not with your chicness?  I had no idea that putting you in my carry-on would result in some airport luggage security people searching + questioning + poking your faux tip. {Sorry!} Thankfully, they decided you weren't a threat & I could bring you on home.


✉ ⏩

Dear Crockpot,

You are amazing & one of the best/most-useful wedding gifts we received {thanks, sister}!  You make it look easy!  I love how you work it out for me & my frozen chicken & such while I am putting in a full day at school.  On arriving home, I turn that key & am greeted with the delicious aroma you created & it just makes me smile & feel all domestic all over!  You are a boss!

Your Happy Owner

✉ ⏩

Dear Cacti,

You may be prickly in appearance, but I know inside you're all heart.  I won't forget your cute little selves dotting the desert landscape as we meandered/adventured through Arizona.  I am your fan!

An Admirer

✉ ⏩

Dear Husband,

Can you believe it's been one year?!  Can you believe we made it?  In some ways it seems short & in others it seems long.  What an adventure & I'm so ready for more!  You are my true love + best friend & I will forever be your biggest fan {after Jesus}.  You've got me for life, Dan!

Your Wife ❤ Laura

✉ ⏩

Dear Autumn,

I know you are getting close & I am getting excited!  Keep on coming.  I'm waiting for you!  You are my favorite!


P.S.: Bring pumpkins + fiery red/orange leaves + cooler weather + tall boots, please!

✉ ⏩

Dear Opera Music,

You are amazing!  You totally spellbound some of my kids last month - & it wasn't even some of the ones I'd suspect!  Of course, some snickered, but they were haters we will ignore - but those who truly heard you for what you were & sat still & hugged their knees up to their chest & looked sparkly-eyed, know your true beauty.  You captured them in a special way that I hope they will always remember & I hope they will seek you out more as they grow.  Thank you.

The Music Teacher Sub

✉ ⏩

P.S.: Linking up!

Friday, September 22, 2017

DIY Vacation Memory Jar

What You Need:
a jar + lid
▲ small tokens from your trip that will fit in the jar
▲ a smallish favorite photo from your trip
▲ a decorative tag {or make your own} + twine or ribbon + Sharpie

Anybody else not really wanting to remember an amazing trip by bringing home a pack of picture playing cards or a collectible spoon?

Creating a memory jar lets you put a personal touch on things + showcase your actual memories/trip highlights + it's not from an overpriced gift shop.  Win-win!  While this makes for a perfect sand & rock holder for beach/camping trips, you can also fill your jar with various tickets, foreign currency, & small souvenirs from most any place you care to venture.  You can be all minimalist or maximalist on these - you get to decide.  I'm thinking several of these jars showcasing different trips would look great as a collection displayed on a shelf or mantle.  Hmmm, I think I may just sense a travel tradition starting here in our house...

Happy crafting {& traveling}!

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Honestly... {Year 1}

Can I be the honest girl here?  Year 1 was hard.

You know how some people say they lose themselves at some point on this daily journey that makes up a life?  Be it after a baby, mid-life crisis, job loss, what-have-you...  For me, it felt like this year.

After uprooting myself from my family & former life & surviving a wedding {which wasn't my best day ever, can I just say - it was my tough, I don't like myself, I'm too scared to keep moving, but I gotta day}, I found myself trying to make things work + feel special & all magic-like, like I want my life to be.  But, it's been so much harder than I ever expected.  After 6+ years of living completely solo in my little cozy one bedroom apartment, in my little twin bed, with my very own bathroom, & doorbell {well, not on my bathroom door, but ya know}, & my own schedule where I do what I want when I want, I discovered something...  I liked it that way, & this new life is going to be a major adjustment like none other.  I wanted to be the best wife ever.  I still want that, but to quote an older Francesca Battistelli song, "perfection is my enemy."

I wanted that "perfect" so bad some days, I pushed myself down & wore myself thin.  I wanted {okay, still want} to please, maybe out of fear that if I didn't that I wouldn't truly be loved anymore.  If I didn't bend myself out of shape & over extend & choose whatever he wanted & always be the loser when a loser/winner was needed, that the real me wouldn't be enough to be loved just for me.

Then there was the separation from my family, friends, & pretty much everything  I held dear besides my husband.  I made the choice.  I chose him over everything, & sometimes it hurt, & was lonely, & was sad, & made me feel like I was the one who truly sacrificed.

So, it's been rough, but you know what?  There has been beauty & sanctifying - for what better place to sanctify when all is overturned & life is new & crazy & I'm not recognizing me & my heart isn't being all pretty like I thought it was anymore, & all I've got is to cling to Him who knows my every hurt + counts every tear-fall?

Yep, God's got me where He wants me, & I'm going to stop kicking & be still, so He can work + display His glory in my little honest messy life.  This is it.  Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Date Night Ideas // September 2017

💑 Find the nearest state or national park/monument & go explore it together.  Here's a money saving tip: many public libraries offer a free state park pass you can check out for your particular state, which can save you on any parking fees, etc.

💑 Cook/bake something yummy together.  Side note: you do not have to be culinary-ly inclined to do this.  Get together, try out a recipe, make a mess, clean it up, eat what you create, & have fun.

💑 Read a book together!

💑 Visit a card shop together & pick out different romantic cards for each other just 'cause.  You could totally save money here & show each other the cards instead of buying them {+ still get all the warm fuzzies}, or you could buy 1 or 2 for each other, & fill them out on your own later & give them sometime in the next few days as a semi-"surprise."

💑 Go bike riding.  Even if you don't have a bicycle, most cities have rental options.

💑 Go camping {even if it's just a tent in the backyard}.

P.S.: Sorry this is sooo late!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

My Wedding Details

💍color scheme: pinky corals & peaches of various shades
💍wedding invitations: these from Vistaprint {They fit perfectly with how Dan proposed at our special tree.}
💍venue: the field behind my new church {for the ceremony} + their indoor fellowship area {for the reception} {We were blessed to get both free of charge!}

💍guest book: a large piece of canvas wall art from Hobby Lobby {I'm so glad I chose this!  It now hangs in our home right before the door to our bedroom.}

💍wedding dress: eBay {Read the full story here!}

💍floral crown veil: me + a little help from my mom {She also lovingly embroidered 3 white butterflies to attach to my veil.}

💍flower girl dresses: eBay {Another bit of a gamble, but they were completely adorable + exactly what I wanted + only about $20 a pop!  We had two flower girls - one with the traditional flower basket & coral colored petals & one with a banner that read "here comes the bride."  My mom & I made the flower girl basket using satin fabric, some stuffing, & coral ribbon + a thrift store wicker basket!}

{Our little petal thrower ran out of petals before she ran out of aisle & decided she needed to go back & pick up some she already threw!  It was the kind of charming funny moment I'll always cherish.}

💍cakes: Walmart {These were seriously deliciousness!  People were amazed they were Walmart cakes + they carried my tree theme with the birch bark edible image wrap around the middle of the cake!}

{My husband's Star Wars groom's cake was also from Walmart!  I added the edible silver stars myself.}

💍 flowers: me + Walmart {I actually did them myself the morning of the wedding by taking apart + rearranging a couple of fresh bouquets.  This was pretty stressful, but they turned out all right in the end + were super cheap.}

{The most special part of my bouquet was the attached locket with my beloved dad's picture.  From heaven he wasn't able to walk me down the aisle, but I wanted to honor his memory & keep it close.}

In 5 short days {I can't believe it}, Dan & I will celebrate our very first wedding anniversary!  In some ways, it seems like just yesterday...

Monday, September 4, 2017

Monthly Recap // August 2017

➴   ➶   ➴   ➶   ➴   ➶   ➴   ➶   ➴

Started the school year off {which begins way early in August here} with a long term sub job as a music teacher at the school I subbed at last year {I finish it up on 9/8}.  God is good!

Had fun at another game night with friends.

Experienced the solar eclipse together.  We were a bit disappointed, because where we were it was only a partial & didn't get dark at all {just strangely shady with eclipse-shaped shadows}, but we enjoyed seeing the view through our glasses, just the same!

Celebrated 11 months of marriage!  Almost to a year!  Say what?!

 Celebrated at another sweet couple's gender reveal party.  I know this long awaited baby is an answer to so many prayers.  Thank You, Jesus, for little Asher!  Can't wait to meet him!

Visited the doctor's office many times with continued problems/check-ups with Dan's eye.  Praising God that it is now well on the mend!  Thank You, Father!!!

Continued planning for our upcoming trip to Arizona!

 Had our last snow cone date of the summer.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Sweet September

I've been waiting for you & your cooler temps & crisper mornings.  You hold our anniversary - year 1, for us - on the 10th, & adventure as we head out west to celebrate under desert skies & amid cactus blooms.  Welcome sweet September - I cannot wait to experience you.
