Saturday, September 23, 2017

Little Letters // September 2017

Dear Arizona,

I won't soon forget you!  You were an amazing changing landscape & I'm so glad we got to see your sandy scrub/cactus-dotted deserts, lush green forests, deep-deep canyons, red rocks, & skinny slot canyons.  Not to mention, you were where we heralded in the beginning of our 2nd married year.

We love you!
Laura + Dan

✉ ⏩

Dear Arizona Coyote,

I am so glad we didn't hit you!  It took some fancy-fast thinking {ahem, swerving} on my husband's part + I think some miraculous intervention from above.  I think next time you should keep off the busy roads.

Your Friend

P.S.: Stop chasing the road runner, please!

✉ ⏩

Dear Decorative Gold Arrow,

You almost got me in trouble!  But, I forgive you!  How could I not with your chicness?  I had no idea that putting you in my carry-on would result in some airport luggage security people searching + questioning + poking your faux tip. {Sorry!} Thankfully, they decided you weren't a threat & I could bring you on home.


✉ ⏩

Dear Crockpot,

You are amazing & one of the best/most-useful wedding gifts we received {thanks, sister}!  You make it look easy!  I love how you work it out for me & my frozen chicken & such while I am putting in a full day at school.  On arriving home, I turn that key & am greeted with the delicious aroma you created & it just makes me smile & feel all domestic all over!  You are a boss!

Your Happy Owner

✉ ⏩

Dear Cacti,

You may be prickly in appearance, but I know inside you're all heart.  I won't forget your cute little selves dotting the desert landscape as we meandered/adventured through Arizona.  I am your fan!

An Admirer

✉ ⏩

Dear Husband,

Can you believe it's been one year?!  Can you believe we made it?  In some ways it seems short & in others it seems long.  What an adventure & I'm so ready for more!  You are my true love + best friend & I will forever be your biggest fan {after Jesus}.  You've got me for life, Dan!

Your Wife ❤ Laura

✉ ⏩

Dear Autumn,

I know you are getting close & I am getting excited!  Keep on coming.  I'm waiting for you!  You are my favorite!


P.S.: Bring pumpkins + fiery red/orange leaves + cooler weather + tall boots, please!

✉ ⏩

Dear Opera Music,

You are amazing!  You totally spellbound some of my kids last month - & it wasn't even some of the ones I'd suspect!  Of course, some snickered, but they were haters we will ignore - but those who truly heard you for what you were & sat still & hugged their knees up to their chest & looked sparkly-eyed, know your true beauty.  You captured them in a special way that I hope they will always remember & I hope they will seek you out more as they grow.  Thank you.

The Music Teacher Sub

✉ ⏩

P.S.: Linking up!

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I love these little notes we share!