Thursday, February 15, 2018

Little Letters // February 2018

Dear Katie Davis Majors,

Thank you for the words written in your book.  They are deep & true & real, & yes I needed them!  Your day-to-day existence is a better sermon than so many I've heard inside church walls.  I want a heart that hungers to see the good!  To believe the good that God is & gives to us lavishly through Jesus.  To be that "prisoner of hope" you spoke of.

Thank you,
A Girl Changed by Him

✉ ⏩

Dear Dan,

Thank you for always loving me no matter what.  I can't believe I get to be your wife!  You have taken such good care of me while I've been sick & I love you forever + big time!

Your Girl

✉ ⏩

Dear Valentine's Day,

I wish you would have come when I wasn't fighting off the flu + scheduled to teach the kids on Wednesday night at church {which, of course, I wasn't able to do}.  Don't worry, we will celebrate you in a special way once the sickness is gone & pay day has passed.  You aren't forgotten.


✉ ⏩

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I love these little notes we share!