Saturday, March 23, 2019

The Things My Kids Say...

Me to a kid who just came out of the bathroom: "Why is there soap all over your face?"
Kid with total earnestness: "'Cause I wanted to look like Santa Claus."

Kid: "My mom wears diapers.  She likes to pretend she's a baby."

Kid patting my belly: "You've got a baby in your tummy."
Me in total honesty: "Um, no, I don't."

one particular Kid on the regular: "I'm gonna be good tomorrow."
Me internally: "Why not now???"

Kid with mucho anger towards me: "You should go to jail!"
same Kid same day: "I love you!!!"

Kid playing with plastic tweezers: "My grandma uses these on her chin!"

Kid at car dismissal time: "Did you tell *Jamal's parents to give him a whooping?"
Me totally lying: "Yes, I told them to give him two."
Kid hugging me like a beaming parent: "I'm so proud of you!"
*name changed to protect the innocent, cough-cough guilty