Tuesday, November 20, 2018

PB&J // That's You & Me


Life's been crazy busy lately {obviously since I'm just now posting our Halloween costumes 😥}.  More on that later in another post, but I wanted to share what we dressed up as this year... PB&J!

Last year I DIYed our costumes {we were Oreos} & had so much with it, but this year I knew it just wasn't going to happen {unless I wanted to make myself completely crazy} {which I didn't}.  So, we headed to Goodwill instead & happened upon these adorable PB&J costumes that looked like new!  We snagged both for about $12!  We created a PB&J themed tic-tac-toe game for our church's fall festival using felt & enjoyed a sweet Halloween night.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Monthly Recap // September 2018

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 Put on our fancy clothes & ate at a really snazzy restaurant we in Pine Mountain + looked at a few stars on the weekend before our wedding anniversary.

 Celebrated 2 years married!  We had wanted to take a weekend trip to the beach, but the weather was looking rough, so we stayed home & ate at a new-to-us restaurant, walked around the Southern Living community near us, took pictures, swung on my favorite tree swing, shared our 1st ever bubble tea, & had some guy yell out his car window at me, "Nice dress!"  Hey, I'll take it.  Thank you very much.

 Participated in a super fun local event called The Amazing Marriage Chase.  We raced around downtown completing various challenges... everything from yoga, to painting each other's portraits, paddling down the Chattahoochee River, riding a tandem bike, balancing a checkbook, + loads more.  While we didn't win, we're happy to say we completed all the challenges + we made it in the newspaper {well, our backsides did at least}. 😉

Favorite Posts of the Month:

Friday, September 28, 2018

Dollar Store Upcycle // "Spooky" Cat

Dan + I are definitely cat people.  Even though we don't currently have one, we both grew up with pet cats around & I know Dan would love to have one one day {I tell him we have to be out of debt first & in our own home, 'cause I'm not adding a pet fee to our monthly apt. payment, that's for sure #sheworkshardsavingmoney}.  Anywho, I saw this adorable wooden cat at the dollar section at Target this year & thought it should come home with us, 'cause it was only a buck, people!  The wooden cat came unpainted with 3 little mini paints + a paintbrush.  I was able to make use of all the black paint that it came with to cover the cat + it's little stand front & back.

Next, I took a strand of battery powered orange maple leaf twinkle lights from the Dollar Tree & a bit of washi tape & secured two of the leaves behind the cat's eyes so they would give off a spooky cat-like glow.  It's the perfect addition to our home for October!

Saturday, September 22, 2018

It's Officially Fall, Y'all!

Fall is hands down my favorite season.  Why?  'Cause it's got all my favorites in it, of course!  There's cooler-ish weather {#southernlife}, colors transforming the landscape all bright + bold, pumpkin everything, crisp mornings, boots + sweaters, my birthday, & the heralding in of all things holiday!  I can't get enough of it!  What do you love about fall?

Monday, September 10, 2018

2 Years of Love

Two years ago to the very day we said our "I do's" & our lives forever changed.  It hasn't always been easy, but through Jesus' strength we have always chosen love over each & every struggle.  

I still do, Dan, & I always will.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Monthly Recap // August 2018

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 Busy, busy, busy with 21 four-year-olds!  I'm teaching pre-k this year, & it was totally not in my plans.  I applied on a whim in late July & surprisingly got it {I honestly think I was the only one who applied}.  And did I mention school started for teachers on August 1st in my county?!  So, it's been a whirlwind to say the least.  I've never taught pre-k, in fact, I taught 5th grade when I lived in my hometown.  So, yeah, it's a learning curve.  "Teacher, he said 'poo-poo head'" is something I get on the regular.  I'm so thankful we have nap time.

 My school also hasn't had pre-k in years & years & years + the administration + over half the staff are all brand new, which just adds to the crazy.  So, my classroom had not been a pre-k room last year & was full of junk {+ a few gems} from the previous grade.  They shipped everything from another pre-k that was closing at another school to my school, so my room was literally full of junk & a ton of boxes.  It was the most overwhelming thing!  I had about 3 days to get it ready for Meet the Teacher night.  It was horrible & I came home crying most of those days, but through Jesus {& Jesus alone}, I got it done.  Thank you, too, to Dan who came & helped on a Saturday!  Love you!

 We had Meet the Teacher night early on before school even started, as well as a Pre-K Orientation not too long ago, & during the orientation the vice principal asked myself & the other pre-k teacher to introduce ourselves, & during mine one of my kiddos hops up from where he's sitting with his mom & runs to hug me & then stays by my side until the very end.

 We had a super yummy bubble waffle cone date.  These are legit actual waffle cones, people!

 Took a date night trip to the arcade to play some games together!  Dan beat me in most everything, except my little victory in Connect Four.  Boo-yah! 😉

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Monthly Recap // July 2018

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 Dan & I had loads of fun working with the kiddos for our church's VBS.  This year we were crew leaders & had a little group we moved around to the different stations.  Each night had a theme to dress-up for - as you can see from the tiny Santa, one was "Christmas in July."

 We traveled to Atlanta to visit the Center for Puppetry Arts.  This was our 1st time & we saw lots of Jim Henson puppets + others from our childhood days + more from around the world!

 I applied for a pre-K teacher position kinda on a whim & got it!  School's back in session already here in Georgia, so that's why you haven't seen much of me on the blog lately.  I'm busy, busy with my itty-bittys!  Teachers have been back at work for several days now, & today was our 2nd day with students!

Top 3 Favorite Posts of the Month:

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Visiting Atlanta's Center for Puppetry Arts

This summer is definitely defined as a staycation for us.  But, there's so much stuff to see + do nearby that there's plenty to smile about!

On Friday, with a free museum pass in hand checked out from our local library, we headed north to Atlanta to a place neither of us had ever been... The Center for Puppetry Arts!

There are tons of amazing puppet artifacts here from both around the world...

& a little closer to home with fan favorites from Sesame Street + other Jim Henson creations, including the films The Dark Crystal + Labyrinth!

We actually saw a real, genuine, used-on-TV Big Bird, Fizzgig, a host of Fraggle Rock characters, + so much more!

While the actual museum is fairly small as far as museums go, the space includes a theater where fancy puppet shows are performed, workshop space where kids can create their own puppet friends, a museum shop, + a playground.  Dan & I both agree we'd love to take kids someday in the future.  The nostalgia makes it fun for the adults, too, as you can see!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Getting Up {& Choosing Joy}

It hasn't been easy, this getting up & choosing joy business.  I feel like it's something everyone knows they should do when they find themselves in dark places, but the actual doing of it & living it out is where it gets sticky.  The other day it sorta clicked for me in a different way than it ever had before, & I feel like in that moment it moved from something I knew I should do {yet didn't know how or even want to try & muster the strength for}, to something I saw I could actually do {& not through my own strength, but through Christ's}.

It was in a moment of struggle, where in all honesty all my mouth wanted to say was unkindness to the human I promised to love most.  It didn't matter who was right anymore or how true or warranted I felt the words were, all I know was that in my own sinful nature those words that weren't fit for God's daughter wanted to spew out like scorching dragon fire-breath.  The ache of that moment could be felt in my very bones.  And yet, truly miraculously, I found myself next to him, putting my arms around him, & speaking love.  The words surprised me, & even as I spoke I thought inside, These aren't the words I want to say - & I knew it had to be Jesus then, answering the prayer I had prayed over & over in our marriage, Lord, give me the words to say.  And keep me from saying the words I shouldn't.  Silent tears sprang up paired with gratitude, at the awesome display of His great strength in my great weakness, spoken so evidently to my soul in that moment.

It clicked for me then, what I had known, but never fully wanted to live out... The only person whose actions I could change was me.  The only person I was accountable to was God.  And, no matter the out-of-my-control circumstances swirling around me, I could choose joy.  I could get up & love more like Jesus.  And I can do what feels impossible in the moment, because His perfect strength makes up for my imperfect lack.

True, it won't be smooth going from here on out.  I'm forever a sinner saved & continually relying on my Savior Jesus this side of heaven.  The enemy is utterly bent against my joy & freedom in Christ - & I continue to witness his schemes unfolding against me.  This lesson will likely need to reclick again & again in my life, but today I'm getting up & choosing joy, because I know God's strength is with me & it is more than enough for every battle.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Sad Days

I couldn't wait for summer back when school was in session.  I would make up lists both in my head & on paper of things I wanted to do once I was free.  But now that I'm here in it, I've found these days to trigger much sadness.  Being alone all day while my husband is at work is, well, lonely.  I have to push myself to do things, to get out, to get out of my pajamas & take a shower for goodness sake.  And it seems all the sad things - the things that are wrong, or broken, or unknown, or hurt me - well these things are all staring me in the face saying, "Give me your time...  Think upon me... I will keep you company & keep you safe... I am true & real..."  And, I'm ashamed to say it, but often I've listened.  Not wholeheartedly perhaps, though maybe sometimes, but enough to get the message & then cry out to Jesus in prayer to help me out of this desperation, because I don't want to be here in these sad days.  In this depression.

And I know He hears & knows & understands & cares & has purpose.  Even in the sad days where moments may tell me otherwise, I still know.  So, I wait on Him.  And I try to do better today than I did yesterday.  I try to see the good that seems invisible.  Because, yes, it is there.  And I keep crying out to my Heavenly Father God, because I know He cares & loves & is forever listening.  Especially in the sad days.

"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted & saves those who are crushed in spirit."
-Psalm 34:18

"He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud & mire; He set my feet on a rock & gave me a firm place to stand."
-Psalm 40:2

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Monthly Date Night Ideas // July 2018

💑 Test out your barbecue skills as a couple & grill some yummy goodness!

💑 Hunt for finds together at a thrift store & see what the coolest {or wackiest} thing is you each can find!

💑 Play Frisbee at the park!

💑 Too hot out there?  Have some indoor fun & play some video games together!

💑 Serve Christ together by volunteering at your church's VBS!

💑 Visit the nearest water park & spend the day splashing & sliding around!

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Monthly Recap // June 2018

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 We celebrated a LOT of birthdays this month... including my mom's, my nephew's 3rd, my stepdad's, & a friends' little girl.  In other words, lots of cake & lots of love!

 We went on fro-yo & shaved ice dates + walked downtown!

 Traveled to Chattanooga {my beloved hometown} twice to celebrate family birthdays + we tried a waaay less stressful way to go {i.e.: not through Atlanta}... & I was like, "Why have we never done this before?!" 😉

 I cleaned my wedding rings at home + diyed a fun dollar store straw hat!

 Got up before the crack of dawn {literally like 2 something am} to wait in line for the grand opening of our new Academy Sports store.  They were giving away $20 or more gift cards to the 1st 100.  It was craziness,  but Dan & I together got $50 in gift cards, free t-shirts, & free Chick-fila breakfast + a fun memory! {I gave Dan my gift card to add to his & he finally got to buy his super ridiculously bright $50 flashlight he'd been wanting.}

 Finished the ladies' study group at church & it was so very good.  I highly recommend the book Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver, by the way, it was chock full of sweet truth.

 Had to have a thyroid ultrasound + further blood work, but praising God everything came back normal this time!

Top 3 Favorite Posts of the Month:

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Currently {June 2018}

💮 Planning... We actually just booked our vacation for autumn & not summer, so we have a lot of time on our hands to do some fun stuff close to home.  I'm hoping to snag some free Atlanta museum passes that are available for check-out at our local library, so we can enjoy a day trip or 2.

💮 Watching... This is weird, but I've somehow gotten hooked on watching The Tim Tracker Show on YouTube.  I don't know what it is, but I love watching this fun-loving/Disney/theme-park couple's adventures!  We've also just gotten into Travel Channel's Hotel Impossible.

💮 Reading... Just finished an excellent little young adult read that's gotten me back into fiction.  I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars! {Anybody Shining by Frances O'Roark Dowell}

💮 Praying... for peace + health for me & mine + for Dan & I to be wise stewards of God's blessings in our lives.

💮 Praising... God for good doctor's reports + all the blessings!  He is sooo good to me!

💮 Dreaming... of one day when we'll have our own house + our own separate full bathrooms! 😉  But...

💮 Thankful... for the beautiful apartment where we live + our very important 1 & a 1/2 bathrooms {which is pretty darn fancy for a 1 bedroom apartment, if you ask me}!

💮 Eating... yogurt & these yummy {+ good for you} tortillas with deli meat, shredded cheese, & lettuce stashed inside.  Basically trying to get back into healthiness... but then there's ice cream, too. 😏

Monday, June 25, 2018

How to Clean Your Wedding Rings {At Home!}

What You Need:
a soft bristle tooth brush {this can be an old one that you've disinfected with boiling water}
 liquid dish soap {the jeweler where Dan bought one of my rings said Dawn is the best brand for this}
 warm to hot water
 a mug or bowl to let your rings soak in

What You Do:
Add about 1-4 drops of liquid dish soap into your mug or bowl, then add your warm to hot water {you don't need much}, + your rings.  Let your rings soak for a few minutes {anywhere from 10 minutes on - the dirtier the more time you want to add} & then remove.  With your soft bristle tooth brush, gently scrub the little nooks & crannies of your ring{s}.  Lastly, rinse your rings in your mug or bowl using clean warm water {or put them back on your finger + rinse off in the sink}.

P.S.: As it's summertime, here's a bonus tip... Don't wear your rings in the swimming pool or at the beach.  Both chlorine & sand aren't good for your bling!

Friday, June 22, 2018


Sometimes I need reminding...

I need to hear those good, good words of what Jesus did for me once more.  For little messed-up, still-in-as-much-need-of-Him-as-when-I-first-breathed-this-mortal-air, me.  The story is so embedded into my head knowledge, but sometimes my heart could use a refresher course.  I forget all the details, the wonder, the Truth, the freedom, the impact, the gratitude.  And in my place of complacency my great need for Him is only magnified.  I will forever need You, Lord, I surely can't do this on my own.  So, I pray for fresh ears & refreshed faith, because I've forgotten the grace & goodness & joy that are mine in Him, bought at an inconceivable price.  I am forgiven & free & hallelujah & thanksgiving should live on my lips.  But I am forgetful, too.  Just like the Israelites grumbling through their wilderness wandering before me.  The pounding of this world can cause me to take my eyes off Jesus &, just like that, I've forgotten whose I am, how valuable He says I am, & how the story ends.  So I return to the cross & to the One who hung there for me, & stay close this time, & remember, & pray for fresh ears & refreshed faith once more.

Today, I need to remember.

Recently, I heard this song on the radio from Steven Curtis Chapman & I just had to add it here. It speaks of remembering all God has brought you through & how's He's lovingly carried you all this way. It reminds me to remember to remember.


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Gifts // Vol. 26

1,775. a husband who cheers me up even when I don't want to be
1,781. sunshine
1,787. that my {truly almost empty} car made it to the gas station
1,790. my mom's CD playing in the car the whole way there {to the doctor} & back & all the time after
1,796. the flowers he brought me
1,808. Your faithfulness
1,815. leaving a love "note" on his car while he was at the movies
1,823. a rainbow - thank You for reminding me all Your promises are true
1,825. walking hand-in-hand
1,826. raindrops bringing cooler temperatures

Monday, June 18, 2018

Dollar Store Upcycle // Slogan Straw Hat


Have you seen those hats popping up all over the place?  The straw kind with slogans & cutesy sayings all over the brim?  Did you know you can DIY your own for only a couple bucks?!

Here's how...

I found all the materials for this upcycle at my local Dollar Tree {straw hat - it already came with the black ribbon tied around it, black sequin ribbon, & tacky glue}!  Figure out what your slogan is going to be first.  Here's some ideas:
  • do not disturb
  • hello sunshine
  • out of office
  • beach vibes
  • aloha
  • bonjour
  • peachy keen

Next, take your sequin ribbon & practice spelling out your phrase.  Beware of overly scrolly script - you don't want your hat to be hard to read, or, even worse, misread.  Also, try out the placement of your slogan on your hat.  Once you're happy with it, go ahead & start gluing it down.  I used Aleene's Original Tacky Glue {from the Dollar Tree} & it worked like a charm.  I tried both hot glue & super glue previously & got poor results.  The tacky glue is pretty easy & forgiving if a readjustment is needed, it dries clear, & has a strong hold.  Let your hat dry until all the glue is clear {this could take a couple hours}.  Once dried find a sunny spot to put on that fancy + wordy hat!  I love how this easy DIY takes a simple summer staple {the beloved floppy hat} & turns it into a real statement!

What would your hat say?

P.S.: Thanks Dan for taking the perfect hat shots! 
P.P.S.: You are the best husband this girl could ask for!