Saturday, August 12, 2017

Date Night Ideas // August 2017

πŸ’‘ Go on a back-to-school shopping spree together & donate the items to an organization that collects for students in need.  Don't forget to spend time praying as a couple for the students + their teachers.

πŸ’‘ Go out to a favorite eating place from your school/college days & over dinner share your favorite school memories... even the funny embarrassing ones you hope no one remembers!

πŸ’‘ Watch the wonder of the Solar Eclipse together.  Maybe even plan a picnic for right before so you'll already be outdoors.  Be sure to take proper precautions to protect your eyes!

πŸ’‘ Wander through a bookstore or library hand-in-hand & see what literature appeals to each of you.  Explore the place together.

πŸ’‘ Play a trivia game together.  You could make it interesting by having something at stake for the winner &/or loser... like winner gets to choose next date or pick the ice cream place... or  loser gets to do the dishes or sit through the winner's favorite TV show...  Don't forget to be a good sport {win or lose}!

πŸ’‘ Take a class together.  Whether it's a cooking class, an evening painting group, a pottery lesson, horse back riding, a sport, or whatever interests the both of you... get out & learn something new as a couple.

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I love these little notes we share!