God used this book to change me heart & soul.
A couple Januarys ago I read Ann Voskamp's lyrical hard truth words, & I started counting the gifts God gives. I exercised my eyes to focus in on the good, instead of the fear & the mess & the hard stuff this life holds. In about a year or so, I had numbered to 1,000, & then I started again. But the days get complicated, & the anxiety bangs on the door, & the heart & mind forget & grow to grumble like wandering Israelites who remember not the parting waters wonder & the sustenance rained down as bread from heaven & the constant loving presence of God woven throughout their story - & mine. And, I, like they, need gracious & merciful reminding of the blessings daily given, undeserved, to me...
Here marks the start of a new series where I list off a few of God's gifts from the past week/month. Some may be small & seemingly unimportant, but to me each one recorded is a treasure & worthy of gratitude to the Giver of all good things. Thank You, Lord, for all You have given this girl You've saved by grace.
406. hope in Christ for the coming year
411. that he called during his break
413. finding a new favorite place
415. the greenest moss I've ever seen
419. a normal EKG - thank You, Lord
421. chocolate cake
427. shadows of butterflies
429. how he called me his angel & said the sunlight made me glow
434. seeing our tree again
438. the butterfly that landed on Dan's hat