Tip 1: Fall Colors in Warm Weather Styles
There are certain colors that just feel fallish. Some of my current faves are shades of rusty burnt oranges, rich gem toned plums & dark teals, mustards, navys, and deep coral-y scarlets.
My jumpsuit is from A New Day via Goodwill for $2.99!
Tip 2: Plaid in Warm Weather Styles
In my opinion, nothing says classic fall like plaid. However, a tartan-esque sweater dress may not be on the bill right now. Thankfully, if you dig a little you can find loads of pretty autumn perfect plaid in more summery styles.
My top is Ann Taylor Loft via Clothes Mentor.
Tip 3: "Open" Style Boots
These are what I mean by "open" boots. Yes, they've got cutouts, bare heels, peep toes, & the like - all for allowing some extra breeze & air flow perfect for transitioning into the season.
P.S.: Here's a link to my Pinterest style board - it's not all fall fashion, but a lot of my recent pins are!